Author: poepolit

II International Colloquium “Estar em casa with Adília Lopes: from the private to the political”

II International Colloquium “Estar em casa with Adília Lopes: from the private to the political”

In the today’s Lusophone Literature, Adília Lopes plays a prominent role, although this is, fortunately, one might say, not consensual. In recent decades, both the significant influence she has exerted on the Portuguese-language literature and the international academic reception she has enjoyed have confirmed the 

“All poetry is political”- elementos para pensar o poético e o político na actualidade (Burghard Baltrusch)

“All poetry is political”- elementos para pensar o poético e o político na actualidade (Burghard Baltrusch)

Intervención do profesor Burghard Baltrusch dentro da palestra Perspectivas contemporâneas sobre a poesia  no I Congreso Internacional do PPGLEV.